"When the Masculine meets the Feminine"
one Day Healing Retreat in London
For You, who now hear the call Invoking the Authentic self to heal Masculine and Feminine within,
we created this beautiful gentle, but deep Retreat which was born from the loving heart, real experience, and inspiration to share it with those who are ready to heal their inner and outer relationships between feminine and masculine.
We invite you into the unique journey:
Where all the Experience - becoming You,
Where all the ancient Wisdom - becoming You,
Where all the Emotions, Feelings, self-Realisations flowing openly – and becoming You,
Where every Women and every Men – becoming You,
Where Sun mergers the Moon – and becoming You,
Where You no longer exist – and becoming We are One.
At this path of transformation, we invite you to experience and explore:
A combination of unique holistic methods based on Buddhism psychology, Hindu Tantric school and Systematic constellations
Yoga Nidra and Sound healing (to bring beautiful integration of the experience into the body and heal the old matrix in the subconscious mind)
Elements of Intuitive Meditation
Gender Healing dialogue between individuals and the field of masculine and/or feminine energy as an opportunity to experience their feelings towards contrary polarity and have a dialogue.
Diving into the Core concept of the Infinite game of Masculine and Feminine – the key elements in mastering our energy and life being
Connecting with the power of Oneness and Compassion
Aligning and experiencing the Core Nature of Self within the integration of Feminine and Masculine in you
Healing The Feminine: the Mother, Creative nurturing, Shifting
Healing The Masculine: the Father, Creative nurturing, Shifting
Embodying and Elevating the Polarities
Exploring the art of healing communication problems in a loving and fun way
Healing self – experiencing Boundless strength
Retelling your story
Supporting each other and being supported by others
The inspiration of this retreat is to have an awareness about masculine and feminine parts in ourselves, particular stagnations, and old patterns or views that we hold against each other and ourselves. Group energy is always extremely healing and has a quality to increase the experience and to create the power to overcome any blockages in a deeper and more caring level.
The initial goal is to achieve an open, warm-hearted, loving state of acceptance of both polarities. Our resistance against both - inner masculine and inner feminine polarities can be the main reason for unhappiness and disbalance in relationships and family, personal achieving, financial and spiritual wealth, as well as health problems and life happiness. Understanding the dance of polarities is the key to the spiritual path and balanced life. Bringing the Understanding into the Body experience creates a new expression in our everyday Reality and relationships.
In the event, we gather a balanced number of genders.
Between activities there will be tea and snack breaks.
No prerequisite to attend this process.
Singles and couples are equally welcome.
Couples will have an opportunity to have a personal discussion after the session.
We are holding a safe environment and supporting each guest individually and warmly.
Private sessions and a self-healing process are available after the event if needed.
The number of guests is limited to 12 people, so please book your place in advance (6 guests per gender).
To keep our healing space safe for you and the others, we invite you:
To have a digital phone Detox during the whole retreat.
To avoid attendance under the state of any substances and alcohol.
Who can attend: Any age group, any gender group, any religious belief.
Closest groups to join

If you are interested in receiving an invitation to our other sessions and retreats, leave an email here.